报告人:Kwang Y. Lee, Baylor University, IEEE Fellow.
摘要: Advances in solar and wind technology combined with escalating environmental regulations have led to a high demand of distributed generation (DG) resources around the globe. A typical power system in countries such as United States has large-scale central power stations located in remote areas, which are connected to transmission system. Recent tendency is, however, toward developing small-scale distributed generating units; thus power generating units will be located near consumers and large generating units will be replaced by a number of smaller generating units. The prospect of reduced cost, increased reliability, increased energy efficiency, improved power quality, and energy independence are the main motivation for customers to increase their interests to what is called “smart grid.” Renewable energy sources including photovoltaic and wind turbines and fuel cells are categorized as main energy sources of DG in future smart grids with promising sustainability.
There are clear evidences suggesting that renewable energy-distributed generation (RE-DG) is growing worldwide and governments around the world considering ambitious targets of incorporating considerable amounts of RE-DG in response to the need to enhance fuel diversity, increasing security of energy supply and economic sustainability. There are many factors driving usage of RE-DG. The RE-DG using solar energy and wind power offers more environmental, social, and in some cases economic benefits. The use of solar energy and wind power has increased so fast in the past two decades that these two technologies are considered as success story.
This talk will be focused on the progress of i) solar energy, ii) wind energy and iii) integration and Power Electronics Interface.
Dr. Lee received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, and the M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from North Dakota University, Fargo, ND, and the Ph.D. degree in Systems Science from Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Since 1971 he has been a faculty member of electrical engineering at Michigan State University, Oregon State University, University of Houston, the Pennsylvania State University and Baylor University, where he is currently a Professor and Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
For over 20 years at Penn State, he served as Director of Power Systems Control Laboratory and the Intelligent Distributed Controls Research Laboratory. He has been a consultant for Allegheny Power System on reactive power planning. He has conducted several DOE, NSF, EPRI, and Navy projects on Intelligent Distributed Control of Fossil Plants, Nuclear Plants, and Fuel Cell Power Plants. Dr. Lee is the author of over 500 technical publications and book chapters. His current research interests include power system control and optimization, economic operation, generation expansion planning, reactive power planning, load forecasting, power plant control, fuel cell power generation, renewable energy, and intelligent system applications to power systems.
Dr. Lee is a Life Fellow of IEEE, active in the Intelligent Systems Subcommittee and Station Control Subcommittee of the IEEE Power and Energy Society. He has been a frequent panelist on intelligent control, distributed simulation, combined research and curriculum development, and undergraduate research, and a tutorial speaker/organizer on artificial neural networks, fuzzy systems and evolutionary computation. Dr. Lee served as an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion and Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and IFAC Journal on Control Engineering Practice.