Title:Thermal Nano-Photonics in Energy
Reporter:Dr. Yi Zheng
(Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI)
Site:A-259, Lee Shau Kee Building of Science and Technology
Time:2018-7-11 10:00
Inviter:Prof. Peixue Jiang(姜培学 教授)
The fascinating nature of photonic nanomaterials has opened the door to novel approaches for conducting research in the field of energy conversion, storage and cooling technology. The ability to control thermal conductive and radiative properties of objects is of great interest in diverse areas like solar and thermophotovoltaic energy conversion, wavelength selective reflection and thermal emission/absorption, novel photon-based radiative cooling, and camouflage in military applications. Thermal transport of nanoengineered materials gets enhanced dramatically in comparison to their bulk counterparts. Thermal radiation at the nanometer scale is significantly different from classical or macroscopic radiative transport since near-field effects such as interference, diffraction, and tunneling of surface waves play a significant role.
Small-scale thermal transport has shown great potential and applications for use in manipulating macroscale energy systems and thermal sensing. This talk will mainly focus on small-scale energy transport due to surface photon and/or phonon polaritons through five research projects: (1) A dyadic Green’s function formalism has been developed to determine the roles of nanoparticles in thermal radiative property (e.g. spectral emissivity); (2) Mie-resonance metamaterials have been studied and designed for wavelength selective thermal emitters in order to increase energy conversion efficiency in solar energy harvesting; (3) Near-field enhanced thermal diodes and transistors have been investigated using phase-change periodic photonic metamaterials; (4) Metamaterials-based thermal infrared biosensor has been proposed for ocean monitoring and early detection of cancer biomarkers; (5) Enhanced thermal conductivity of nanoparticle-nanofiber composites has been studied experimentally and analytically.
Brief Biography:
郑义博士 1987 年3 月出生于中国北京。郑义博士毕业于美国哥伦比亚大学机械工程系,2014 年获得哲学博士学位,2011年获得理学硕士学位,2009 年毕业于中国北京清华大学精密仪器与机械学系,获得工学学士学位。郑义博士现任美国罗德岛大学(University of Rhode Island)机械工程系助理教授、博士生导师。郑义博士2018 年4 月份被选举为美国罗得岛州华人教授协会会长。
郑义博士建立罗德岛大学微纳米能源实验室(Micro and Nanoscale Energy Laboratory),致力于研究近场热辐射理论,微纳米材料、纳米光子材料和超材料结构的光学、传热和机械性质,纳米尺度传感器的设计,可广泛应用于提高太阳能电池能量转换率,纳米辐射冷却、和对肺癌细胞的早期探测及海洋赤潮的监测。
郑义博士组建学术团队,指导博士研究生 3 人、硕士研究生2 人及访问学者1人。研究项目受到美国国家自然基金NSF EPSCoR,美国国家卫生研究院NIH RIINBRE Early Career Development Award,NIH RI-COBRE CCRD Young Investigator Award, 罗德岛RI-STAC Collaborative Research Grant 和Champlin Foundations 科研经费资助。
郑义博士在国内外高水平学术期刊上发表论文三十余篇,例如:Scientific Reports, Optics Express,Optical Materials Express, Applied Physics Letters, Annalen der Physik, Physical Review A&B, Analytica Chimica Act,Nanotechnology, Tsinghua Science and Technology 等,出版英文学术著作1 本,申请美国发明专利2 项,拥 有中国发明专利2 项和美国发明专利1 项。现担任Scientific Reports 编辑委员会委员和学术期刊审稿人,例如:Nature Nanotechnology, Physical Review series,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,Applied Physics Letters,Scientific Reports,Optics Express。郑义博士在国际学术会议、国内外大学及研究机构作学术报告五十余次,并多次受邀在美国机械工程师协会举办的学术会议上担任Topic Chair和Session Chair , 例如: ASME IMECE Conference ,International Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference。